51.   The agreement stipulated that the payment would not be used as a precedent.

52.   The autonomy agreement stipulates cooperation in the tourist industry, especially along the Dead Sea.

53.   The agreement also stipulates that the government will suspend the state of emergency within the next two days.

54.   The agreement also stipulates the demilitarisation of Kabul.

55.   The agreement stipulated that the zone between the two lines would be under exclusive UNPROFOR control.

56.   The agreement stipulates the creation of a Red Sea Marine Peace Park that will include the two sides.

57.   The agreement also stipulates that Israel remain in charge of airspace over Gaza, and Palestinian aircraft have to follow Israeli air-traffic controls.

58.   The agreement also stipulates the demilitarization of Kabul.

59.   The agreement stipulates that Croatia shall recover sovereignty over the region at a date yet to be fixed.

60.   The agreement stipulates the immediate release of detainees including all prisoners of war under supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

n. + stipulate >>共 106
law 13.85%
agreement 11.57%
rule 7.59%
accord 7.02%
regulation 5.12%
constitution 3.61%
guideline 3.42%
bill 3.23%
contract 3.04%
treaty 2.66%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
stipulate 0.55%
每页显示:    共 61