51.   That agreement said any attack against northern Cyprus would be considered an attack on Turkey.

52.   The agreement also says the IRA and pro-British Protestant paramilitary groups must disarm completely by May.

53.   That agreement says Sears will not be responsible for any legal costs or damages arising from deaths or injuries caused by the tires.

54.   The agreement said either nation could ask for help from the other if it faced a military threat, although they were not obligated to send troops.

55.   The agreement said only that the rebels would continue dialogue with the civil delegates.

56.   The agreement said Sarajevo would be controlled by the government.

57.   The agreement says that ministers of Republika Srpska, the name Serbs give to their entity within Bosnia, will order local authorities to cooperate.

58.   The agreement says that within two months of the signing, talks will begin on a permanent peace agreement.

59.   The agreement signed Sunday says that opposition parties will be legalized only after their military units are disbanded and disarmed.

60.   The agreement said money from the winners and losers was to be pooled to determine whether the films made a profit.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
agreement 0.02%
agreement + v. >>共 391
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come 3.41%
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