51.   Federal law enforcement officials said Sunday that their aggressive campaign of arrests in recent weeks had broken up several active al-Qaida cells in the United States.

52.   Gillette then uses aggressive marketing campaigns to convince consumers that its improved products are worth a premium price.

53.   Half of all college smokers said they had tried to quit in the previous year, which suggests more aggressive anti-smoking campaigns might find a receptive audience on campuses.

54.   Hastings, who is known for his charismatic speaking style and colorful comments, is running an aggressive campaign for the spot.

55.   He began an aggressive fund-raising campaign and built up the endowment.

56.   Graves ran an aggressive campaign, but some critics thought he was mean-spirited and cowardly.

57.   He emphasized that in the both cases, the airlines approached Boeing for the exclusive arrangements following an aggressive sales campaign between Boeing and Airbus.

58.   He is running against the personal fortune and aggressive campaign style of Carl Mayer, a former Princeton Township Council member.

59.   He made his comments amid an aggressive campaign swing through Florida, which his camp sees as a must-win state.

60.   He cited an aggressive advertising campaign and rebate push from the company last month.

a. + campaign >>共 781
presidential 9.94%
military 4.03%
advertising 3.60%
bombing 3.42%
political 3.28%
new 2.36%
national 1.81%
marketing 1.69%
major 1.15%
aggressive 1.13%
aggressive + n. >>共 1154
campaign 5.00%
approach 3.08%
style 2.08%
effort 2.06%
behavior 1.96%
treatment 1.88%
action 1.86%
expansion 1.62%
tactics 1.56%
stance 1.52%
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