51.   And most stealthily of all, intelligence agencies are stepping up their efforts to better judge the threat of smallpox attacks.

52.   And the agencies themselves are wary about giving up any of their experts.

53.   And the agency has not been able to get enough information from the Germans about their cases.

54.   And the entire operation is being stage-managed from Washington, where FBI officials know that in the aftermath of Ruby Ridge and Waco, the agency is under scrutiny.

55.   And the law enforcement agencies themselves are often poorly trained, poorly paid and poorly organized.

56.   And when the immigration service did not enforce it, the government agency was in the position of technically violating the law.

57.   Another key agency is the Department of Justice, which would be run by former Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo.

58.   Another source of information is the Water Quality Association, but remember that this agency is an industry group representing water-filter makers.

59.   Another White House official said that federal agencies were collecting data and information needed for lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

60.   Are there are agencies that handle that sort of thing?

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