51.   German stores, for example, will advertise products in marks and euros until the currency hits the streets, giving customers the option to pay in either.

52.   He noted that multinational companies, which were more aware of opportunities than local firms, were currently advertising their products aggressively.

53.   It only advertises products unavailable in retail outlets and is negotiating with companies about selling air time.

54.   Saunders advertised his products on the Internet, police said.

55.   Still, the government said tobacco companies spend seven times as much advertising their product as states do discouraging it.

56.   The appeals court found that the mint did not advertise the products as being affiliated with the trust.

57.   The company also would also not advertise products in a manner that might appeal to criminals or juveniles.

58.   The U.S. companies advertised products ranging from lumber and cherries to computer software and water desalinators.

59.   They also damaged signs advertising alcoholic products, witnesses said.

60.   China bans use of superlatives in advertising food products.

v. + product >>共 480
sell 12.51%
make 5.17%
buy 4.16%
market 3.76%
develop 3.59%
use 3.34%
introduce 1.94%
promote 1.84%
distribute 1.83%
produce 1.64%
advertise 0.62%
advertise + n. >>共 448
campaign 13.27%
product 5.39%
service 3.25%
director 1.28%
event 1.20%
sale 1.20%
brand 1.20%
ware 1.20%
job 1.03%
position 0.94%
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