51.   In general, the eight Western states led by Republican governors support the administration policy against controls on wholesale energy prices.

52.   In his meeting with Ziang, Clinton restated administration policy, telling him that the relationship between the countries would not flourish unless they improved their human rights record.

53.   In the absence of significant diplomatic progress, the main focus of administration policy on Iraq has become fomenting opposition inside and outside the country.

54.   It embroiled members in angry partisan exchanges over workplace safety regulations, administration policies and cuts to scores of programs, from Head Start to job training for adults.

55.   It is now up to Deutch to prove that he can help rebuild the CIA without making it the pliable servant of administration policy.

56.   It was a setback for those who oppose abortions, and some of them saw it as a contradiction in Clinton administration policy.

57.   Lake, a thoughtful man who has served ably in coordinating administration security policies, may lack the fire and fortitude to reshape the recalcitrant intelligence agency.

58.   Justice Department investigators and congressional committees are examining whether foreign business interests influenced administration policy through political donations.

59.   Last week, voting mainly along party lines, the Senate narrowly approved legislation that would reverse administration policies on managing public grazing lands.

60.   Moore said donors doing business with the government could be punished if it is known they oppose administration policy.

n. + policy >>共 624
government 11.57%
immigration 3.31%
energy 2.98%
trade 2.87%
tax 2.67%
company 2.34%
drug 2.20%
security 1.94%
administration 1.94%
defense 1.43%
administration + n. >>共 511
official 67.91%
policy 2.58%
building 1.59%
proposal 1.47%
plan 1.24%
effort 1.01%
source 0.88%
office 0.74%
aide 0.68%
spokesman 0.61%
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