51.   Hamas activists accused Israel of the bombing, while Palestinian police said the activists blew themselves up while making a bomb.

52.   However, other more militant independence activists accused him of weakening their separatist fight by trying to reach a settlement with Indonesia.

53.   Human rights activists accuse the government of arbitrarily arresting people who appear to be fundamentalists rather than on the basis of any evidence of criminal activity.

54.   Human rights activists accuse the military of suppressing dissenters with a heavy hand and committing atrocities against innocent civilians in places like Aceh and East Timor.

55.   Human rights activists have accused officials of inflating the figures to drum up support for overturning the ruling.

56.   Human rights activists have accused the armed forces of killings, torture and illegal imprisonments.

57.   Human rights activists have accused the military of killings, torture and illegal imprisonment of East Timorese.

58.   Human rights activists have accused top military brass of ordering the abductions while Suharto was in power and have called for investigations of Prabowo and other senior officials.

59.   Human rights activists have widely accused the military, and a government inquiry is under way.

60.   Human rights activists accuse the government of filing false criminal charges to avoid being accused of trampling on religious freedoms.

n. + accuse >>共 475
official 7.02%
government 6.69%
group 5.89%
critic 4.49%
side 4.03%
leader 3.19%
authority 2.69%
opposition 2.18%
rebel 2.17%
party 2.01%
activist 1.24%
activist + v. >>共 722
say 18.55%
be 7.02%
accuse 2.50%
call 1.83%
try 1.48%
want 1.35%
plan 1.27%
argue 1.12%
have 1.10%
urge 1.10%
每页显示:    共 129