51.   In his weekly radio address, Bush said such action would help houses of worship, community groups and civic organizations improve access for the handicapped.

52.   Initial indications were that the military action could help Clinton preserve his veto of legislation lifting the ban on arms sales to the Bosnian government.

53.   Leading those backing the U.S.-British airstrikes was Marco Panella, a former Radical party politician who contended the American action helped favor freedom for Iraqis.

54.   Last year, this Congress took strong action to help the District of Columbia.

55.   Lim said the Labour Department was taking follow-up action to help the affected workers.

56.   Mrs Yu said she hoped her action would help to convince the community and schools that the committee would be unbiased.

57.   Ohrenschall said she hoped the legislative action would help send a positive message to teens.

58.   Pakistan will press for quick U.S. action to help to get a settlement to the decades-old Kashmir dispute.

59.   She also said she hoped the actions would help clarify forced disappearances that have continued, saying she knows of at least a few cases this year.

60.   The action could help Asia out of its economic woes and boost export demand.

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action + v. >>共 799
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