51.   Critics, including neighboring Australia, accuse his troops of doing little to stop bloody attacks by anti-independence militiamen against separatists and civilians.

52.   Downer raised only briefly the issue of East Timor, where Indonesian troops are accused of human rights violations.

53.   Fears of a wider Balkan conflict accelerated after Croatia accused Yugoslav troops Tuesday of entering a demilitarized zone on the Croatian border with Montenegro.

54.   Ethnic Albanians accuse NATO troops from France and Russia of favoring Serbs.

55.   Finally, Clinton wants Russia to ease up on Chechnya, where Russian troops are accused of attacks on civilians in a drive to put down a rebellion.

56.   Georgian authorities and the Abkhazian separatists shared a rare moment of unity Wednesday when both sides accused Russian troops of unlawfully removing military hardware from a naval base.

57.   He accused Indian troops of widespread human rights violations.

58.   He also accused Azerbaijani troops of firing at an important highway along the border.

59.   He accused Indian troops of wanton human rights violations, including the torture and murder of people suspected of being militants.

60.   His troops have been accused of some of the worst atrocities in the fighting in Croatia and Bosnia.

v. + troop >>共 445
send 12.67%
withdraw 8.49%
deploy 5.55%
pull 2.68%
have 2.57%
station 2.15%
contribute 2.04%
accuse 2.02%
mass 1.78%
commit 1.44%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
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