51.   While some members suggested the promises amounted to a form of bribery, Kim accused his rivals of leaking information to undermine his campaign.

52.   He accused his rival, Mohamed Farah Aidid, who controls most of south Mogadishu, of hampering all peace efforts.

53.   India accuses its rival of providing arms and training to Moslem separatists fighting against Indian rule in Kashmir, a charge denied by Pakistan.

54.   India blamed Pakistan for the raid and accuses its rival of funding and arming MuslDmpmilitants fighting Indian rule in the Himalayan state, a charge which Islamabad denies.

55.   India blamed Pakistan for the raid and accuses its rival of funding and arming Muslim militants fighting Indian rule in the Himalayan state, a charge which Islamabad denies.

56.   It is a common practice in Pakistan for one defeated politican to accuse a rival of corruption.

57.   Kodak has accused Japanese rival Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd. of employing unfair trade practices to block its access to Japanese consumers.

58.   New Party leaders Monday accused their rivals of starting the clashes.

59.   She accused her rival of letting loose a reign of terror in the constituencies to disrupt voting.

60.   The Independent, which Friday accused its rivals of trying to destroy the quality dailies market, is using the same argument with regard to the second cut.

v. + rival >>共 476
accuse 4.48%
have 4.34%
face 2.96%
beat 2.96%
buy 2.17%
attack 1.59%
acquire 1.52%
join 1.37%
crush 1.16%
keep 1.16%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
rival 0.55%
每页显示:    共 62