51.   The accounts said police were investigating the relationship between one of the detained employees and the canteen owner, who was among those who died.

52.   The Israeli accounts said Barak was contemplating conceding Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem to Palestinian control.

53.   The military men told Holbrooke, news accounts said, that they would pass his comments on to higher officials in the organization.

54.   The newspaper account also said that several times, the Serbs staged a mock execution and started to strangle them and also kicked their broken legs.

55.   The state police account said that the two troopers got out of their marked patrol car and approached the van.

56.   Their accounts say Washington ordered an aide to drain blood in a failed bid to feel better before doctors arrived.

57.   The winding pathways that the group traversed through the Old City were the same streets where historical accounts say crusaders left bodies piled high.

58.   They then took a Samsonite suitcase with the diamonds, the accounts said.

59.   While the assailants relied mostly on automatic weapons, some accounts said they also used knives to kill and to mutilate several corpses.

60.   Yeltsin has a history of heart and back trouble, and published accounts here frequently say he has a drinking problem.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
account 0.03%
account + v. >>共 338
be 33.51%
say 6.39%
have 2.50%
differ 2.34%
suggest 2.29%
include 1.97%
make 1.60%
appear 1.39%
describe 1.17%
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