51.   Bush would combine existing federal funds for class-size reduction, teacher training and academic standards into single grant program, leaving spending decisions to the states.

52.   Bush wants billions of dollars for early childhood and college education, tougher academic standards, better teacher training and a limited program of private school vouchers.

53.   Business leaders joined in the call for tougher academic standards as a way to raise the qualifications of the work force.

54.   But as they seek their places in an information-based economy with steeply rising academic standards, their plight is now viewed in a very different light.

55.   But his three legislative sessions have produced laws to improve reading and overhaul academic standards.

56.   But it quickly swelled into a movement against all cutbacks on federal spending for higher education in Mexico and any efforts to tighten academic standards at the university.

57.   But others were dubious, casting it in terms of declining academic standards.

58.   But schools say achieving diversity this way requires lowering academic standards.

59.   But the SREB report, in suggesting causes, sticks to its long-time agenda of investment in education funding and the raising of academic standards.

60.   But the three were not playing for the team because they did not meet NCAA academic standards.

a. + standard >>共 554
new 7.29%
high 6.05%
international 5.78%
higher 3.74%
federal 2.67%
environmental 2.47%
national 2.33%
academic 1.97%
minimum 1.89%
same 1.74%
academic + n. >>共 935
standard 4.25%
year 3.56%
performance 2.86%
achievement 2.50%
institution 1.97%
research 1.86%
career 1.74%
study 1.57%
program 1.57%
center 1.52%
每页显示:    共 223