41.   Dozens were wounded in the Sunday blast in the city of Astrakhan.

42.   Dozens were wounded, police said.

43.   Dozens were wounded in the blast.

44.   Dozens were wounded in the crash, according to Dutch television.

45.   Dozens were wounded in the crash, according to the television report.

46.   Dozens were wounded.

47.   During the past five months of violence, Palestinian militants have set off several car bombs inside Israel, killing several people and wounding dozens.

48.   Four people were killed and dozens were wounded in clashes two days ago.

49.   Government forces on Saturday launched two attacks on the hospital where the hostages were held, killing or wounding dozens of civilians inside, according to witnesses.

50.   He set off explosives that ripped him apart, killed three Israelis and wounded dozens.

v. + dozen >>共 820
kill 7.67%
injure 4.44%
arrest 4.22%
have 3.31%
wound 2.25%
include 1.75%
leave 1.73%
claim 1.64%
receive 1.50%
carry 1.46%
wound + n. >>共 421
soldier 18.51%
people 17.08%
civilian 5.87%
policeman 4.21%
man 3.44%
officer 2.45%
woman 2.36%
person 2.06%
dozen 1.66%
militiaman 1.47%
每页显示:    共 113