41.   Aid workers feared survivors would die of exposure or disease.

42.   Aid Agency field workers fear a repeat of the horrifying cruelty which destroyed neighbouring Rwanda.

43.   Aid workers fear North Korea faces widespread famine without immediate, massive food donations.

44.   Aid workers fear that the rebels may ignore their own two-month deadline and make good on a threat to clear the refugees out themselves.

45.   Aid workers fear many were slain.

46.   Aid workers fear possible cholera outbreak amongg Karen.

47.   Aid workers feared survivors would die of exposure.

48.   Aid workers fear some roads once considered safe for relief shipments may now be hazardous.

49.   Aid workers feared the area may get socked in, making it difficult to get supplies into the region.

50.   Aid workers feared the number of dead could be much higher.

n. + fear >>共 691
official 11.16%
authority 4.52%
investor 3.90%
people 3.87%
leader 2.85%
government 2.79%
police 2.66%
expert 2.60%
analyst 2.48%
critic 2.16%
worker 2.15%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
fear 0.66%
每页显示:    共 132