41.   Police and army sealed the boulevard, dotted with shrapnel holes, for traffic as engineers worked to restore power lines.

42.   A joint WJRO-government committee working to restore public Jewish properties met for the second time Monday in Bucharest, Lavi said.

43.   As international peacekeepers worked to restore order to East Timor, a Dutch journalist was killed and two other Western reporters escaped an armed attack without injury.

44.   As Wahid worked to restore confidence in the government, a scandal under his predecessor flared anew.

45.   ASEAN has been working to restore political normalcy in Cambodia since Ranariddh was ousted by co-premier Hun Sen last July.

46.   As foreign minister, Primakov was seen as a nationalist, working to restore some of the international status Moscow lost after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

47.   But he stressed that the crew was safe and was working to restore power.

48.   City spokesman Renaldo Davis said officials were working to restore service.

49.   Crews worked to restore power downtown.

50.   Earlier Wednesday, clergy working to restore calm warned city officials that black residents have legitimate fears that must be addressed.

v. + restore >>共 91
work 23.99%
retransmit 12.67%
do 8.36%
use 7.82%
fight 5.12%
intervene 4.58%
act 1.89%
can 1.62%
cost 1.35%
arrive 1.35%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
每页显示:    共 88