41.   When traveling for extended periods of time and crossing many time zones, many women experience a temporary cessation of their periods.

42.   With postpartum depression, a woman may experience obsessive worries about the baby, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, low energy and an inability to experience pleasure.

43.   Women may experience heart attacks differently from men, but the primary risk factors that trigger heart disease in men are of equal importance to women, Robertson says.

44.   Women experience them at least three times more often than men, perhaps because of hormonal changes.

45.   Also, it can cause miscarriages and stillbirths even if the pregnant woman experiences no symptoms.

46.   It also can cause miscarriages or stillbirths even if a pregnant woman experiences no symptoms.

47.   Men are at less risk because they have larger, stronger bones and do not suffer the bone loss experienced by women after menopause.

48.   Some women experience a tingling sensation below the skin.

49.   The study found that overall cancer incidences declined only for men, while women experienced increases, driven by breast and lung cancers.

50.   These various deficiencies may be a major reason why women experience health problems while on, or after, taking the pill.

n. + experience >>共 604
country 4.43%
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woman 2.41%
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industry 2.27%
economy 1.88%
market 1.83%
visitor 1.30%
woman + v. >>共 741
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have 5.69%
say 3.10%
wear 1.55%
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go 1.18%
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