41.   It also means that dark will come an hour earlier on Sunday night -- Halloween when the little ones are out collecting goodies.

42.   The measures are set to come into force once they are formally adopted by the European Commission, a decision EU spokesman Gregor Kreuzhuber said would come this week.

43.   The surprise checks that in the past created clashes with Iraq will come later, Ms. Cross has said.

44.   Those efforts will come this week at an international conference in Bonn, one of two convened each year to review progress in implementing the Dayton peace accords.

45.   What we are missing seems to be a clear mind and a strong will to come to concerted efforts fully in the interest of the nation.

46.   He gave no date in public statements, but left Cambodian and Laotian officials with the impression that membership would come this year.

47.   According to the latest opinion polls Netanyahu would come way ahead of Labour party leader Rabin if the elections took place now.

48.   But few western countries have agreed to provide equipment and transport for the mainly African troops willing to come.

49.   Final approval would come the very day such a withdrawal operation begins, they added.

50.   Out will go Thomas Hassler, voted outstandings player in the finals four years ago in Sweden, and in would come Bayern Munich midfielder Mehmet Scholl.

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