41.   In contrast, neighboring Bulgaria seemed mired in chaos with crime and corruption as the only apparent growth industries contributing to the widespread poverty.

42.   In his address, Mwanawasa pledged to address widespread poverty, bolster education and health services and root out corruption in government.

43.   Iraq blames the sanctions for widespread poverty, malnutrition and illnesses that have mounted over the past eight years.

44.   Iraq has repeatedly demanded an end to the U.N. sanctions, which have caused widespread poverty and suffering.

45.   Iraq has repeatedly demanded an end to the U.N. sanctions, which have caused widespread poverty.

46.   Massive unemployment brought about by an economic recession is likely to be followed by other economic and social problems such as widespread poverty and crime.

47.   Most people interviewed after voting said whoever won must tackle social problems such as widespread poverty and increasing crime.

48.   Negotiations begun in January between Pastrana and the FARC have produced only an agenda, and no substantive discussion of rebel demands to attack widespread poverty and political corruption.

49.   Opposition lawmakers accused Vacaroiu of dragging his feet on privatization, saying his policies have caused widespread poverty.

50.   On the campaign trail, the two sides blame each other for the violence and other regional woes, such as widespread poverty and economic backwardness.

a. + poverty >>共 309
extreme 8.65%
widespread 6.96%
abject 5.13%
rural 4.40%
grinding 4.25%
urban 2.64%
global 2.57%
dire 2.13%
combat 1.98%
desperate 1.76%
widespread + n. >>共 1160
use 4.24%
support 3.99%
corruption 3.47%
criticism 2.68%
protest 1.95%
damage 1.88%
speculation 1.86%
discrimination 1.76%
violence 1.69%
abuse 1.62%
poverty 1.03%
每页显示:    共 94