41.   But the Extropy article inspired a group of former University of Calgary graduate students, who had kept up their friendship at weekly meetings after work.

42.   But unlike in the Hill era, different evangelists conduct the weekly meetings at the Brownsville Assembly of God.

43.   But they have weekly meetings with a psychiatrist, and if they become suicidal or exhibit serious symptoms, they are removed from the study.

44.   Cisneros participates in weekly White House meetings with Clinton, Gore and other senior advisers to discuss policy issues and plot strategy.

45.   Cisneros participates in weekly White House meetings with Clinton, Vice President Al Gore Jr. and other senior advisors to map out campaign strategy.

46.   Committees from Marriott International and Host Marriott discuss possible acquisitions at weekly meetings, and Marriott International manages most of the Host Marriott hotels.

47.   Conservancy representatives attend weekly meetings on the progress of the repairs and advise Widell on her decisions.

48.   Debtors Anonymous, run by volunteers, holds four weekly meetings for people in debt to discuss their debt problems.

49.   Doctors and consumer groups also value the importance placed on the group support and counseling members receive at their weekly Weight Watchers meeting.

50.   Delivery room disasters had become a recurring theme in confidential weekly meetings held by the hospital agency to analyze its most mishandled cases.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
weekly 1.69%
weekly + n. >>共 885
meeting 8.12%
newspaper 6.42%
magazine 4.50%
radio 4.48%
report 3.51%
export 3.14%
flight 2.83%
column 2.78%
basis 2.03%
claim 2.01%
每页显示:    共 441