41.   Despite some progress, it remained unclear whether a host of differences between Iraq and the UN over the return of weapons inspectors can be bridged.

42.   Even the Arab states that joined with us in the Persian Gulf war are hesitant to do anything about his latest gambol with weapons inspectors.

43.   Everyone knows that Saddam , who again this week refused to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors, is trying to build weapons of mass destruction, Weinberger said.

44.   First Iraq demanded that all American weapons inspectors with the U.N. Special Commission leave Iraq, and then demanded that the percentage of Americans on inspection teams be reduced.

45.   For over a week now, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has blocked the weapons inspectors by refusing to allow Americans to participate in inspections of suspected Iraqi weapons sites.

46.   For the eighth time in nine days, Iraq would not let the team of weapons inspectors do their work, charging that they included American spies.

47.   For now, the Bush administration remains publicly committed to getting UN weapons inspectors to return.

48.   France, Russia and China welcomed the Iraqi decision to resume cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors, while Britain said it remained skeptical and was keeping its options open.

49.   From the view of the Clinton administration, Saddam Hussein capitulated to U.S. threats of military punishment after Iraq expelled American weapons inspectors three weeks ago.

50.   Hanging over these talks is an Iraqi threat to stop all cooperation with the weapons inspectors.

n. + inspector >>共 226
weapon 44.04%
arm 11.40%
tax 5.87%
police 5.80%
health 3.09%
government 2.92%
city 2.65%
custom 2.61%
safety 1.56%
immigration 1.09%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
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