41.   And having to do so under the watchful eyes of that big mouse in the sky.

42.   And it placed Erich von Stroheim under the watchful eye of his mortal enemy, MGM production chief, Irving Thalberg.

43.   And they must keep a watchful eye on predators.

44.   And under the watchful eye of the US Federal Reserve, they have succeeded in convincing international bankers to at least briefly delay trying to collect on other loans.

45.   And they are more used to operating under the watchful eyes of regulators.

46.   As a boy, Williams walked to school each day, passing neighbors and shopkeepers who kept a watchful eye on the children.

47.   As he spoke, members of the group performed silent exercises across Park Avenue, under the watchful eye of the police.

48.   At Carlsbad Tavern in Scottsdale, Ariz., diners feast in a mock cave under the watchful eye of fake bats.

49.   At practice, they remain under the watchful eye of coach Alex Braunfeld, who was exasperated by their antics when they were at Dynamo.

50.   Berkeley police, faculty and campus security kept a watchful eye on the students as they headed toward UC and the downtown business district.

a. + eye >>共 1374
blue 6.24%
left 6.08%
right 5.99%
blind 4.99%
close 3.32%
watchful 3.32%
brown 2.87%
dark 2.57%
human 1.46%
big 1.44%
watchful + n. >>共 60
eye 78.73%
gaze 3.04%
waiting 2.53%
guard 0.51%
manner 0.51%
parent 0.51%
neighbor 0.51%
security 0.51%
aide 0.25%
batting 0.25%
每页显示:    共 309