41.   We should set voluntary spending limits for candidates.

42.   Wright said while places had voluntary spending limits, Albuquerque was the only major city with mandatory standards.

43.   First version would have banned donations from political action committees and would have offered free and reduced-cost broadcast time to candidates who adhered to voluntary spending limits.

44.   In a related development, German clubs agreed Sunday to keep a voluntary limit of three foreign players until the end of the season.

45.   In some form or other, it is still allowed in nine EU nations though the industry has set voluntary limits in some nations.

46.   In some form or other, advertising is still allowed in nine EU nations though the industry has set voluntary limits in some nations.

47.   It also suggests increasing the ceiling for contributions by individuals, providing public matching funds and setting voluntary spending limits for House and Senate races.

48.   Norway, the only NATO member that shares a border with Russia, lifted voluntary limits on exercises near the border in October.

49.   The bill would have banned PAC contributions, created voluntary spending limits, limited lobbyist contributions and banned soft money.

50.   Upset about rising Canadian wheat shipments to the United States, the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee accused Canada Friday of reneging on voluntary limits.

a. + limit >>共 512
spending 10.98%
new 6.66%
legal 6.60%
strict 6.45%
federal 3.61%
daily 2.87%
upper 2.37%
trading 1.84%
lower 1.48%
voluntary 1.48%
voluntary + n. >>共 532
basis 4.00%
repatriation 2.96%
program 2.80%
contribution 2.77%
organisation 2.55%
compliance 2.29%
sector 2.26%
organization 2.00%
agency 1.97%
guideline 1.93%
limit 1.61%
每页显示:    共 50