41.   Observers fear that violence will intensify ahead of the poll as the ANC and its chief rival, the IFP, step up their battle for support.

42.   Since the April all-race election, political violence has diminished, but criminal violence has intensified.

n. + intensify >>共 487
competition 3.93%
violence 3.18%
government 2.42%
force 2.27%
pressure 2.27%
debate 1.82%
police 1.74%
conflict 1.66%
attack 1.51%
campaign 1.44%
violence + v. >>共 512
be 20.57%
erupt 7.32%
continue 6.87%
break_out 3.82%
come 2.70%
flare 2.61%
escalate 2.36%
begin 2.16%
mar 1.90%
spread 1.54%
intensify 0.65%
每页显示:    共 42