41.   The victim suffered crushed legs, broken facial bones, broken shoulder and rib bones and internal injuries.

42.   The victims suffered bruises and welts from the beatings.

43.   The victims suffered minor throat irritation and tightness in the chest, she said.

44.   Then one pounded a long nail through the doll into a tree, and the victim would suffer terrible misfortune.

45.   Victims suffer sudden flashbacks and can collapse in tears or explode into violence for what seems to be little or no reason.

46.   Victims first suffer severe mental problems, including depression, impulsiveness, poor judgment and sometimes violent behavior, before physical deterioration sets in.

47.   Ziegler said that the police did not know how many shots had been fired, but he said that the victims had suffered multiple wounds.

48.   Police said the victim suffered a broken breast bone and unspecified foot injuries.

49.   Prosecutors say the victims suffered permanent damage from the muscle-growth altering hormones.

50.   A hospital official said all five victims suffered only minor injuries, mostly burns and cuts.

n. + suffer >>共 809
people 4.74%
child 2.26%
company 2.15%
woman 2.05%
stock 1.89%
patient 1.74%
man 1.69%
country 1.58%
victim 1.50%
economy 1.23%
victim + v. >>共 596
be 39.14%
die 5.46%
include 5.40%
have 3.96%
suffer 2.37%
say 1.95%
come 1.29%
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appear 0.74%
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