41.   As in the past, governments also attempted, with varying degrees of success, to obtain information by opening and reading the correspondence of foreign diplomats.

42.   Society in every great state of Europe was still dominated, to varying degrees, by landowning aristocracies.

43.   Thus financial institutions like to hold a range of assets with varying degrees of liquidity and profitability.

44.   Banks therefore hold a range of assets of varying degrees of profitability and liquidity.

45.   In other words, people hold a whole portfolio of assets of varying degrees of liquidity -- from cash to central heating.

46.   Furthermore, a monograph of any large tropical group will show varying degrees of recognition of the ecological requirements of different species.

47.   Their needs are met to varying degrees by the home, parish or deanery.

48.   The assessment of past loss is relatively simple whereas the assessment of future loss involves varying degrees of difficulty.

49.   There can be varying degrees of complication.

50.   Depending on the extent of the infection there may be varying degrees of interstitial emphysema and oedema.

a. + degree >>共 392
varying 14.75%
high 8.18%
honorary 6.68%
undergraduate 4.15%
graduate 3.69%
large 3.58%
medical 3.47%
first 2.96%
greater 2.72%
a 2.64%
varying + n. >>共 371
degree 29.77%
amount 3.91%
level 3.10%
size 2.77%
length 2.61%
success 1.79%
interpretation 1.41%
result 1.30%
stage 1.20%
account 1.14%
每页显示:    共 545