41.   Veins stick out as cords, and although normal, may be mistaken for varicose veins.

42.   Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are nothing new to older moms.

43.   Varicose veins can be a problem but can be massaged lightly, in some cases.

44.   Varicose veins fall into two categories.

45.   Varicose veins occur when the valves that take blood from the lower part of the body up to the heart fail.

46.   Unfortunately, spider veins and their big brothers, varicose veins, are a little like kudzu.

47.   Britain is alone in advising doctors not to prescribe the pills to women who are overweight, have varicose veins or have a history of blood clots.

48.   Can it prevent varicose veins?

49.   He was reportedly still in the hospital Wednesday, and doctors were considering operating on his varicose veins.

50.   If you have varicose veins, waxing should not be done.

a. + vein >>共 237
same 13.95%
varicose 9.94%
similar 9.64%
rich 6.53%
deep 4.60%
different 1.34%
saphenous 1.34%
serious 1.34%
blue 1.19%
hepatic 1.04%
varicose + n. >>共 3
vein 95.71%
seal 2.86%
oesophagus 1.43%
每页显示:    共 67