41.   The Supreme Court this week reinforced that ruling by upholding the right of public television stations to exclude fringe candidates from presidential debates.

42.   They are also threatening to go to court to uphold their right to be reimbursed for costs they incurred when rates were regulated.

43.   Two recent Supreme Court decisions upholding the right of political canvassers and pamphleteers to remain anonymous have alarmed supporters of campaign finance disclosure requirements.

44.   While upholding the right to an abortion, the Supreme Court has allowed states to enact restrictions and regulations.

45.   Organisations involved in such activities have a responsibility to ensure that privacy rights are upheld.

46.   A private Christian school that says corporal punishment is part of its religious doctrine asked the Appeal Court on Tuesday to uphold its right to to spank unruly pupils.

47.   A U.N. draft resolution demands both Croatia and the Serbs withdraw, and calls on Croatia to uphold Serb rights in land it controls.

48.   After a preview for teachers, the drama was used as a tool to educate students to trust their feelings and uphold their rights.

49.   Aborigines assured ranchers Friday that they have no need to worry about their livestock if tribal access rights to some of the huge Outback ranches are upheld.

50.   Clinton has committed to voting only for nominees to the high court who vow to uphold abortion rights.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
uphold 0.38%
uphold + n. >>共 338
decision 8.58%
law 7.97%
ruling 6.69%
conviction 5.56%
sentence 5.09%
right 3.11%
ban 3.06%
verdict 2.50%
rule 2.26%
constitutionality 1.60%
每页显示:    共 66