41.   Under market-led reforms after more than a decade of socialism, unemployment has soared as inefficient businesses collapse.

42.   Unemployment has soared and prices are spiralling upwards as the currency, the rupiah, plunges amid a crisis of confidence in financial markets.

43.   Unemployment soared in a nation where workers were accustomed to lifetime jobs.

44.   Unemployment has soared and prices are spiraling upward as the currency, the rupiah, plunges amid a crisis of confidence in financial markets.

45.   Unemployment has soared in some nations, and growth rates have slipped.

46.   Unemployment is soaring, and some experts say one in four Indonesians is living in poverty.

47.   Unemployment soars.

48.   Unemployment has soared because businesses were destroyed.

49.   Unemployment has soared in some, and growth rates have slipped.

50.   Unemployment is also soaring and the army has warned that more civil unrest is possible.

n. + soar >>共 473
price 17.31%
stock 9.92%
rate 3.24%
share 3.10%
cost 2.89%
sale 2.78%
tension 2.25%
unemployment 1.83%
popularity 1.83%
temperature 1.69%
unemployment + v. >>共 183
be 34.27%
rise 13.00%
remain 5.98%
fall 4.99%
soar 3.41%
continue 2.63%
increase 1.77%
drop 1.44%
lead 1.31%
climb 0.92%
每页显示:    共 52