41.   Mr. Greenville is in the hospital undergoing therapy and responding well, she said.

42.   No patients who have undergone the therapy have died.

43.   On Thursday night Daniels, who emerged from a coma two weeks ago, was undergoing therapy at a brain-trauma center in Pennsylvania.

44.   One of the first clinical applications, Dym said, might be to preserve the fertility of men undergoing cancer therapy, which can make men sterile.

45.   Patients undergoing this therapy are given a light-sensitive dye intravenously, which accumulates in the web of tiny blood vessels behind the retina.

46.   Only one other medication is used to treat alcoholism, a disease for which an estimated one million Americans undergo therapy each year.

47.   Pilatus recently underwent therapy for drug addiction and was planning further treatment, Farian told German reporters.

48.   Rather than practice on Saturday, he underwent therapy for the injury.

49.   She underwent therapy for five or six hours a day, and at times when she did not see improvement, she became discouraged.

50.   She was forced to drop out of college and undergo intensive therapy.

v. + therapy >>共 211
undergo 12.85%
use 7.13%
receive 6.93%
begin 3.82%
develop 3.21%
need 2.81%
seek 2.51%
get 2.31%
start 2.21%
provide 2.21%
undergo + n. >>共 573
surgery 38.13%
treatment 9.83%
test 6.70%
operation 3.34%
change 3.27%
chemotherapy 1.80%
therapy 1.51%
training 1.49%
procedure 1.32%
repair 1.12%
每页显示:    共 127