41.   The treaty calls for EU nationals living in a European country other than their own to be allowed to take part in local elections.

42.   The treaty calls for police forces from one signatory state to be allowed to pursue suspected criminals across the internal borders if they consider it necessary.

43.   The treaty calls for the withdrawal of all foreign forces.

44.   The treaty called for both sides to slash their long-range nuclear arsenals by about a third within a decade, and to eliminate land-based multiple warhead missiles.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
treaty 0.19%
treaty + v. >>共 317
be 20.43%
require 4.12%
allow 3.60%
have 3.35%
ban 3.04%
come 2.26%
call 2.26%
give 2.01%
take 1.70%
include 1.39%
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