41.   Speights treason trial starts in the High Court next month.

42.   The full story behind the saga was to have emerged in treason trials which opened Monday.

n. + trial >>共 529
murder 13.51%
impeachment 10.04%
time 7.79%
jury 6.32%
corruption 2.98%
drug 2.00%
show 1.66%
genocide 1.60%
court 1.32%
three-week 1.09%
treason 0.88%
treason + n. >>共 15
charge 74.83%
trial 13.91%
conviction 3.64%
case 3.31%
allegation 0.66%
investigation 0.66%
acquittal 0.33%
call 0.33%
face 0.33%
law 0.33%
每页显示:    共 42