41.   Many also practice traditional animist beliefs that pre-date the arrival of Islam centuries ago.

42.   Mutwa said traditional African beliefs have only sanctioned driving women suspected of being witches out of a community, not hunting them down and killing them.

43.   New book and other recent research challenge traditional beliefs about the Last Supper.

44.   Organ donation is uncommon in Israel, in part because of the traditional Jewish belief that bodies must be preserved intact for resurrection when the Messiah arrives.

45.   Organ transplants are an extremely sensitive topic in Israel, because the traditional beliefs of both Muslims and Jews call for burial of the body intact whenever possible.

46.   Rebels have been fighting for autonomy for southern Sudan from the Islamic government in Khartoum, demanding religious freedom for southerners who follow mainly traditional beliefs or Christianity.

47.   Queen Modjadji is also known as the Rain Queen because of the traditional belief among many that she can bring on rain.

48.   The rebels are fighting for autonomy for the south, where most people follow traditional beliefs, and about five percent are Christians.

49.   The SPLA has been fighting for autonomy for southern Sudan from the Islamic government in Khartoum demanding religious freedom for southerners who follow mainly traditional beliefs or Christianity.

50.   The site of the discovery is still frequented by aborigines, whose traditional beliefs say the rocky outcrops are the remnants of ancient beings who turned to stone.

a. + belief >>共 554
religious 17.62%
popular 5.53%
political 4.24%
widespread 3.71%
strong 3.11%
held 2.58%
traditional 2.15%
mistaken 2.12%
personal 2.09%
growing 2.02%
traditional + n. >>共 1820
ally 1.79%
medicine 1.51%
method 1.39%
value 1.35%
way 1.26%
music 0.91%
dress 0.91%
role 0.90%
dance 0.67%
practice 0.64%
belief 0.33%
每页显示:    共 65