41.   Abunega hid outside the entrace to the temple parking lot and waved away other approaching tour buses while the shooting took place.

42.   Access is limited by a steep and winding county-maintained road with a series of hairpin turns that are virtually impossible to navigate in RVs or tour buses.

43.   After every show, Los Angeles-based rock outfit Lifehouse returns to its tour bus to find it surrounded by hundreds of fans.

44.   After climbing in and out of tour buses and crouching through passageways of crowded crypts, the decompression was welcome.

45.   After the carnage Monday, the attackers fled in a tour bus they commandeered.

46.   After Sharon returned from driving tour buses in Alaska, she and Mark set up housekeeping on the second floor of the Franklin Apartments.

47.   But after the book was published, the town was so beset by tour buses that Mayle moved to an even more remote village.

48.   But in running and exploring lesser-traveled routes, we can see places that no tour bus would ever go and no guidebook would ever mention.

49.   But still, streams of cars and tour buses are traversing the narrow road to this place whose visage has graced calendars, books and movies worldwide.

50.   But our tour bus was in need of repair and cleaning.

n. + bus >>共 215
tour 17.24%
team 12.21%
city 10.97%
shuttle 9.45%
passenger 8.39%
tourist 5.02%
double-decker 3.59%
commuter 3.00%
campaign 2.53%
police 2.12%
tour + n. >>共 420
operator 13.66%
guide 12.57%
bus 9.94%
group 6.77%
company 5.07%
event 3.88%
match 2.02%
official 1.89%
package 1.70%
boat 1.67%
每页显示:    共 372