41.   During the other months of the year, large caps have outperformed small caps by a tiny amount.

42.   Each time a photon is absorbed and re-emitted it loses a tiny amount of energy.

43.   Even when a night looks impenetrably dark, a tiny amount of infrared light, outside the range of human vision, is coming from the moon and stars.

44.   Experts in chemical weapons say just a tiny amount can cause death within seconds.

45.   For instance, Lincoln was given a tiny amount of brandy.

46.   For years, alliance leaders argue, they have stood alone against the Taliban, living off tiny amounts of help doled out by Iran and Russia.

47.   Gerber said that its baby food contained only tiny amounts of corn and soybeans, and that the company could therefore control its supply channels.

48.   He invented the Oeschger counter, a contraption that measures tiny amounts of natural radiation.

49.   Hemophilia is also a good candidate disease for gene therapy because only tiny amounts of normal Factor IX can do a lot of good.

50.   Hems may be fixed with a tiny amount of rubber cement.

a. + amount >>共 395
large 12.02%
small 10.95%
huge 4.43%
same 4.43%
undisclosed 3.21%
significant 2.22%
vast 2.10%
enormous 1.96%
limited 1.93%
fair 1.89%
tiny 0.98%
tiny + n. >>共 1116
island 2.59%
fraction 1.98%
republic 1.71%
nation 1.61%
village 1.46%
amount 1.36%
piece 1.29%
country 1.26%
town 1.21%
minority 1.21%
每页显示:    共 142