41.   The contractors would set controlled fires, control erosion and remove timber, with the proceeds of the timber sales helping to pay for the other work.

42.   The cost of building roads is also increasingly cited as the reason that many national forests lose money on timber sales.

43.   The Forest Service has no immediate plans for timber sales in those areas, but long-range log harvesting could be affected.

44.   The Forest Service finally carried out modified versions of several timber sales that Jacobson and Carle had initially stopped.

45.   The House Resources Committee holds a press conference to release a General Accounting Office study on public timber sales.

46.   The Forest Service says it is meeting its own timetable for ratcheting up timber sales after years of deadlock.

47.   The proposed Dunaway Gap timber sale in northwest Georgia is an example of why the site inventory makes sense.

48.   The suit was brought by several local and national environmental groups, among which only the Sierra Club opposes timber sales on forest lands.

49.   The timber sales were pushed through with remarkable speed by Steven Mealey, then supervisor of the Boise National Forest.

50.   The Wilderness Society charges that the U.S. Forest Service lost money on Alaska timber sales.

n. + sale >>共 602
retail 11.75%
ticket 5.51%
arm 4.33%
car 3.47%
oil 3.32%
bond 3.14%
asset 2.74%
export 2.63%
auto 2.29%
share 2.07%
timber 0.55%
timber + n. >>共 268
company 14.98%
industry 14.83%
sale 5.62%
product 2.47%
interest 2.32%
trade 2.17%
group 1.95%
export 1.80%
harvest 1.72%
operation 1.35%
每页显示:    共 75