41.   But is the tide turning?

42.   But now it looks as though the tide has turned.

43.   But perhaps the tides are turning.

44.   But recently, the tide has been turning away from accepting the validity of these recovered memories.

45.   But political analysts said the tide turned when Gingrich misread public sentiment during a budget impasse between Congress and the White House that led to a federal government shutdown.

46.   But some biotech executives now say that there is a sense that the tide may be turning against genetically modified foods and that urgent action is needed.

47.   But suddenly the tide turned, and Americans started to make a fetish out of all things associated with the Colonial era.

48.   But the gorge rises and the tide turns.

49.   But some biotech executives now say that there is a sense that the tide may be turning against genetically modified foods and that action is urgent.

50.   But the tide already was turning.

n. + turn >>共 1351
thing 1.66%
people 1.66%
company 1.51%
investor 1.01%
government 0.95%
tide 0.94%
market 0.82%
man 0.80%
official 0.78%
weather 0.77%
tide + v. >>共 124
turn 30.38%
be 11.06%
begin 5.90%
lift 3.98%
go 3.10%
come 2.65%
seem 2.51%
appear 2.36%
run 2.21%
change 1.77%
每页显示:    共 205