41.   The rioters threw bottles filled with gasoline.

42.   The Texan picks up his Lone Star beer, throws the bottle in the air, takes out a six-shooter and empties the chamber.

43.   There was one arrest, for throwing a bottle at police officers.

44.   There were a few incidents where protesters threw bottles at police.

45.   They threw a bottle in the surf, but it kept rolling back ashore.

46.   They yell, they curse, they throw heavy water bottles directly into the face of workers.

47.   Those who were throwing the bottles were just the lunatic fringe.

48.   Tommy Shevlin sang some wonderful songs and everybody threw bottles at Fernando as a form of applause.

49.   Whatever happened to concerts where people take drugs and throw bottles and shout obscenities and get hauled off by the cops?

50.   When the rag is lighted, the bottle is thrown.

v. + bottle >>共 351
throw 11.03%
open 5.31%
buy 3.98%
have 2.42%
fill 2.42%
take 2.31%
drink 2.19%
hurl 2.02%
carry 1.96%
find 1.96%
throw + n. >>共 904
stone 9.05%
ball 6.87%
rock 3.83%
grenade 3.15%
interception 3.10%
punch 2.70%
support 2.02%
pitch 1.85%
pass 1.83%
strike 1.60%
bottle 1.16%
每页显示:    共 190