41.   In his view, the more immediate threat is from short-range missiles and that the funding should go to developing theater defenses against them.

42.   Defense Secretary William Cohen rejected Thursday charges by fellow Republicans that the Helsinki arms control agreements compromised development of US theater missile defenses.

43.   The talks also would discuss theater defenses against ballistic missiles and a joint project to develop a high energy laser designed to defend against Katyusha rockets.

44.   Theater missile defense aims to destroy incoming missiles over a limited area, such as a battle field or a missile silo site.

45.   Theater missile defense...

46.   It would unilaterally establish the standards by which theater missile defenses are distinguished from national missile defenses, an issue currently under negotiation with the Russians.

47.   NATO would also involve the Russians in joint projects involving nuclear safety, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and eventually theater missile defenses, Hunter added.

48.   THAAD, which stands for Theater High Altitude Air Defense, is a key component of the US effort to develop a theater defense against tactical ballistic missiles.

49.   The administration sought to shift spending from national missile defenses and higher-altitude theater missile defenses to shorter range battlefield missile defenses.

50.   The commander told the senators that US forces in Korea needed theater missile defenses to guard against attack by North Korean Scud missiles.

n. + defense >>共 337
missile 30.65%
air 9.54%
zone 6.80%
title 6.31%
insanity 4.84%
run 3.33%
pass 3.01%
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team 2.12%
theater 1.73%
theater + n. >>共 485
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chain 3.84%
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