41.   There are street signs along the wide corridors indicating the various departments.

42.   Deputy Home Minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub said the two departments had been identified as largely being involved in corruption.

43.   Joint efforts by the various departments had almost eliminated illegal brokers but some units and individuals were recently found to be continuing such activities, he said.

44.   Only responsibilty for education has been handed over so far, with Israel arguing the Palestinians still do not have money to run the other departments.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
the 1.29%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
department 0.04%
每页显示:    共 44