41.   A stark example of where television news has failed public discourse and encouraged Draconian public policy is the juvenile crime bill.

42.   All the television news was unpleasant the other morning, except for the two fuzzy faces of Klondike and Snow, who are going to Florida.

43.   Alena Russell soaks in hours of television news for the latest on the recount in Florida.

44.   All day long, the local television news was full of images of people in overloaded bass boats trying to get family pets and a few possessions to safety.

45.   Bush had a tendency to lash out at the chicken, creating less-than-presidential fodder for television news.

46.   But Albright is an eager advocate, anything but shy, and deeply conscious of the snippet-and-snapshot world of television news.

47.   But after what he saw on the television news Thursday night, he was really upset.

48.   But CBS News, in the competition for incisive coverage, has taken the informal connection between television news and print journalism to a new level.

49.   But Estrich said the importance of the commercials remains paramount, and has escalated with growing voter apathy and the failure of television news shows to cover the campaigns.

50.   But here in Miami, it was a lead story on television news, complete with pictures.

n. + news >>共 365
television 22.42%
earnings 8.28%
network 5.02%
company 3.51%
business 3.47%
inflation 2.59%
sport 2.13%
market 2.09%
week 1.84%
cable 1.84%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
news 1.95%
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