41.   Discourage illegitimacy and teen pregnancy by prohibiting welfare to minor mothers and other tough welfare reforms.

42.   Democrats want to focus instead on on preventing teen pregnancy.

43.   Drugs, alcohol, and teen pregnancy, he says.

44.   During a Friday night speech, Elders is expected to focus on teen pregnancy and how the soaps could more realistically depict problems and solutions.

45.   During hearings before a Senate committee last week, surgeon general nominee Henry Foster kept trying to put the focus on his proposed crusade to fight teen pregnancy.

46.   Each chapter is written in the voice of one of the six characters, who struggle with loneliness, incest, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, and drug addiction.

47.   Europe, with teens as sexually active as ours but open about birth control, has far fewer teen pregnancies.

48.   Even in Arizona, where the teen pregnancy rate is higher than the national average, teens reportedly are having sex less often and using contraceptives more.

49.   Experts point to one final, and significant, factor on the teen pregnancy landscape.

50.   Fonda is scheduled to receive the Hope Award for her work to prevent teen pregnancy.

a. + pregnancy >>共 162
teen 16.65%
unwanted 14.08%
teen-age 11.61%
teenage 5.80%
unplanned 2.95%
early 2.85%
first 2.66%
difficult 2.57%
unintended 2.38%
high-risk 2.28%
teen + n. >>共 383
pregnancy 12.31%
smoking 8.30%
year 5.84%
idol 3.80%
mother 2.60%
girl 2.46%
magazine 2.25%
suicide 1.97%
drug 1.97%
driver 1.48%
每页显示:    共 174