41.   In the minds of some his reputation has been tarnished, and he has been vilified from time to time.

42.   It can tarnish a reputation.

43.   It speaks well for online games, a pursuit whose reputation has been tarnished of late.

44.   Its reputation was tarnished by its involvement in questionable covert activities in countries ranging from Angola to Guatemala.

45.   It will hit him in the pocketbook for more court costs, jeopardize his standing to practice law and further tarnish his reputation in the eyes of history.

46.   Italy is so often visited in summer that its reputation is tarnished by tales of long lines, exorbitant prices, and scorching temperatures.

47.   Many Japanese corporations, like Kajima, that do business in Asia may feel obliged to settle to avoid tarnishing their reputations in places like China and South Korea.

48.   Navy officials described the arrests as one more in a series of scandals that have tarnished the reputation of the Navy and increased the job pressures on Boorda.

49.   Not even the crude assault of congressional subversive hunters could rattle her professionalism or tarnish her reputation.

50.   Numerous cases of priests arrested for molesting young boys has sadly tarnished the reputation of priests.

v. + reputation >>共 352
have 33.37%
earn 7.30%
build 5.70%
develop 5.34%
gain 5.26%
make 2.73%
tarnish 2.30%
damage 2.27%
establish 2.00%
acquire 1.36%
tarnish + n. >>共 138
image 27.39%
reputation 22.82%
allure 2.90%
name 1.87%
credibility 1.87%
career 1.66%
game 1.66%
record 1.45%
party 1.24%
legacy 1.24%
每页显示:    共 109