41.   Chinese leaders contend that current WTO demands for tariff cuts and the elimination of non-tariff barriers would cripple its developing economy.

42.   China is due to announce tariff cuts in April that are likely to make foreign imports much more competitive.

43.   Each came to the meetings bearing promises of tariff cuts or elimination, at rates and levels they are comfortable with.

44.   European Union foreign ministers will try Monday to resolve last-minute bickering about tariff cuts that U.S. and EU negotiators agreed on last week.

45.   European Union foreign ministers will try Monday to resolve last-minute bickering about EU tariff cuts agreed with the United States and Canada last week.

46.   In their meetings, which begin Wednesday, the trade ministers are expected to offer to accelerate tariff cuts on a variety of products.

47.   Japan was the only APEC member country that sought to protect two entire sectors from tariff cuts.

48.   Jiang gave no details about the promised tariff cut in the text obtained by reporters as the summit was going on behind closed doors at Osaka Castle.

49.   Last week, the two nations joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which has begun a process of tariff cuts to create an ASEAN Free Trade Area.

50.   Koy Kim Sea, undersecretary of state at the ministry, said that the cuts were prompted by public pressure and that further tariff cuts may be coming.

n. + cut >>共 216
tax 40.36%
rate 10.29%
job 9.76%
budget 8.26%
price 3.55%
pay 2.83%
power 2.36%
production 1.59%
cost 0.85%
interest-rate 0.81%
tariff 0.69%
tariff + n. >>共 134
reduction 11.69%
cut 11.69%
rate 9.22%
barrier 7.53%
structure 4.42%
increase 3.90%
protection 2.60%
treatment 2.21%
policy 1.82%
level 1.82%
每页显示:    共 89