41.   For example, Democratic consultant Bob Beckel has said that Republican electors around the nation should consider abstaining or switch their votes since Gore won the popular vote.

42.   Frankel said during a Democratic caucus Tuesday that Republican leaders had approached some Democrats offering key committee assignments if they switched their votes.

43.   He agreed to switch his vote on the amendment, persuaded fellow Arizona Republican John McCain to join him, and the administration prevailed.

44.   If two Bush electors switch their votes, it would throw the election to the U.S. House.

45.   Majority Leader Trent Lott switched his vote to favor the amendment after it appeared to be headed for passage over the objections of most Republicans.

46.   The so-called War of the Roses was decided by Harry T. Burn who, with a letter from his mother in his pocket, switched his vote.

47.   Thirteen Democrats switched their votes.

48.   With one vote uncast, three Bush electors need to switch their votes to throw the election to the U.S. House.

49.   Colston switched his vote to the government giving Howard a majority in the upper house after being offered the Senate deputy presidency.

50.   Two Republicans switched votes to oppose the measure, while nine Democrats voted in favor of ending the so-called filibuster, where lawmakers debate for hours on end.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
switch 0.46%
switch + n. >>共 624
side 7.32%
party 4.58%
allegiance 4.00%
position 2.56%
gear 2.34%
job 2.27%
vote 1.80%
recognition 1.73%
place 1.62%
tactics 1.55%
每页显示:    共 50