41.   With each event, their survival instincts sharpen.

42.   Yet their standoffishness seems borne out of a survival instinct.

43.   It has the profit motive to attract it to change, and the survival instinct pushing it.

44.   Survival instinct plus home fans could combine to give Parma trouble.

45.   Survival instinct, however, presses him to reserve three key positions for conservatives.

46.   That his survival instinct would edge into brutality is not surprising, since his university was the jungle and his teachers the Khmer Rouge.

47.   The gunfight brought a dramatic conclusion to the life of a man whose survival instincts and rough wilderness manner made him famous as a symbol of Australian toughness.

48.   The gunfight brought a dramatic conclusion to the life of a man whose survival instincts and rough wilderness manner made him famous here as a symbol of Australian toughness.

49.   The survival instinct won.

50.   But survival instincts, they argued, took over at the last minute when she leapt from the car as it rolled down into the muddy lake.

n. + instinct >>共 77
survival 24.63%
gut 15.27%
herd 9.36%
football 4.93%
business 3.94%
baseball 2.46%
self-preservation 1.97%
gene-tic 0.99%
attack 0.99%
heart 0.99%
survival + n. >>共 180
rate 15.66%
skill 9.64%
instinct 5.02%
strategy 4.32%
suit 3.71%
gear 3.21%
time 3.21%
technique 2.71%
advantage 2.41%
plan 2.41%
每页显示:    共 50