41.   But survey after survey reveals otherwise.

42.   But surveys reveal that few patients achieve that degree of control.

43.   Consumer surveys reveal that resistance to adopting a healthier diet can be attributed to a combination of time pressures and false beliefs.

44.   Cloverdyke also told what the surveys reveal.

45.   Despite this hard line, the Pew survey revealed a deep pocket of trust among Internet users.

46.   Elsewhere in the magazine, a survey of women reveals the funniest and freakiest things that have happened behind closed bedroom doors.

47.   Every survey reveals astounding fear and ignorance.

48.   Goetz said that the survey revealed major shortcomings in the assistance available from denominational officials when pastors faced potentially disastrous conflicts.

49.   However, few purchasers actually negotiate with health plans for coverage of specific behavior change services, the survey revealed.

50.   In addition, the Magid survey revealed racial divisions.

n. + reveal >>共 1133
test 5.77%
investigation 4.80%
survey 2.51%
official 2.31%
autopsy 2.29%
report 2.20%
study 2.00%
examination 1.80%
police 1.64%
company 1.55%
survey + v. >>共 316
show 27.60%
find 15.89%
be 6.94%
say 5.60%
indicate 5.27%
suggest 4.19%
reveal 2.85%
have 1.66%
ask 1.59%
give 1.01%
每页显示:    共 112