41.   Democratic opponents maintain no survey has indicated an explosion of judgments or lawsuits and that the number has remained steady for years.

42.   Despite reassurances from the banks, many customers are wary about exposing their finances to a wider world of hackers, surveys indicate.

43.   Finally, the survey indicates that the Internet browser program Netscape Navigator remains dominant over Microsoft Explorer, at least among respondents who can name their software.

44.   Follow-up surveys indicate that a majority of people who participated either reduced their viewing or became more critical of what they watched.

45.   Furthermore, the survey indicated, rising numbers of young people doubt that drug-use is risky.

46.   France has never apologized for its conduct during the war, although recent surveys indicate that most French citizens would approve such a move.

47.   He said it allows consumers to determine whether they were overcharged, which surveys indicate is fairly common.

48.   He said his survey indicates many terminally ill patients are not having their needs met today by health care providers.

49.   Here in Germany, where the mark was revered as a symbol of postwar success, surveys indicate that nearly half the population would rather keep their old money.

50.   However, the survey also indicated that the public holds an increasingly dim view of the president personally.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
survey + v. >>共 316
show 27.60%
find 15.89%
be 6.94%
say 5.60%
indicate 5.27%
suggest 4.19%
reveal 2.85%
have 1.66%
ask 1.59%
give 1.01%
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