41.   When surgeons use the mammary artery in the chest to bypass a blockage, the results usually last for a decade.

42.   During bypass, surgeons frequently use a vein taken from the leg to reroute blood around clogged stretches of heart arteries.

43.   Her surgeon used a titanium plate and seven screws to hold the pieces of her clavicle together.

44.   Krag said some surgeons are already using the procedure, but he recommends limiting it for now to medical studies.

45.   Surgeons then use miniature tools to diagnose diseases, clip growths and even remove organs through the bellybutton without making major incisions.

46.   Surgeons also used bone fragments from her left hip to rebuild the broken vertebrae.

47.   Surgeons can use other muscle relaxants, but similar medications carry a bronchospasm risk, too.

48.   The restoration staff has a variety of microscopes, including the headset-mounted kind that surgeons use to keep their hands free.

49.   The surgeon used a procedure called interlocking nails which stabilize the tibias with screws.

50.   The surgeon used screws to put things permanently in place.

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surgeon 0.16%
surgeon + v. >>共 367
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