41.   Their success so far has led to ambitious expansions.

42.   His success led many to believe he would go on to win a second gold, but an accident in training has been catastrophic for his Olympic preparations.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
stock 1.39%
investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
incident 0.66%
bank 0.61%
case 0.60%
success 0.24%
success + v. >>共 404
be 30.81%
come 7.89%
depend 6.10%
have 3.55%
make 2.08%
bring 1.94%
mean 1.64%
lead 1.54%
seem 1.17%
go 1.13%
每页显示:    共 42