41.   Suburban sprawl has paved over much of the fertile land farmed by the Amish.

42.   That expansion, critics say, would send Charlotte down a road of no return, opting for suburban sprawl.

43.   Suburban sprawl is built into the zoning codes of most communities and the lending policies of virtually every bank.

44.   The Chesapeake Bay Foundation undertook its study to assess the impact of highway design on suburban sprawl, a major source of pollution.

45.   The city, however, saw the potential of the district for high-density urban housing that would help reduce suburban sprawl and highway traffic.

46.   The debate over suburban sprawl is also bubbling up as a state and even national political issue.

47.   The group has deplored the abandonment of traditional city cores and the rise of suburban sprawl, with its malls, office parks and isolated tract housing.

48.   The main drag, which fronts both Virginia Tech University and the downtown area, stretches off to a modest suburban sprawl to the north and south.

49.   The measures were among the most far-reaching efforts yet to curb suburban sprawl.

50.   The start of suburban sprawl, fear of the Cold War and the growth of television are illustrated.

a. + sprawl >>共 81
suburban 39.51%
metropolitan 3.09%
modern 2.47%
rural 2.47%
bioengineered 1.23%
chaotic 1.23%
endless 1.23%
further 1.23%
residential 1.23%
resulting 1.23%
suburban + n. >>共 660
home 7.03%
area 4.91%
school 3.00%
neighborhood 2.93%
district 2.72%
community 2.51%
sprawl 2.26%
mall 2.01%
train 1.84%
house 1.77%
每页显示:    共 64